The Story of our Campus
The Story of our Campus

Our new campus is a testament to the strength of our community. In 2021 we had to move from our home of 8 years. Through this time of growth and transformation, our community of wonderful families stepped in to assist us along every step of the way. From helping us secure land, building our new classrooms as well as building play areas to cleaning, our new school is filled with wonderful good energy from the ground up.

On the first day of school, our students brought plants and trees to plant around the school. It will be a joy to see our students play and grow in our beautiful new campus.

Here we would like to share with you some pictures from the campus.


Whatever comes, whatever it is that
Bring me the next hour our next day
Even if it’s for me alien and unknown,
I can’t change it.

I wait for it with absolute inner stillness
Without fear, with total serenity,
Because fear hinders our evolution.

I must surrender to God’s wisdom who
Lives and works in each event
With the certainty that what is coming
Is part of my destiny.

– Rudolf Steiner